Keller is the industry leader in design-build foundation support for the upstream and downstream oil and gas storage sector.

Sector challenges we can solve
Keller has served the oil and gas industry since the early 1990s and can help you maximize the storage capacity of any tank site. Our proven techniques provide increased bearing capacity and foundation performance. This often allows for a taller tank to be constructed with superior long-term performance than typical ground-build solutions. We have improved planned tank sites throughout North America with our tank foundation support solutions. Let Keller dictate the capacity of your tank – not the ground you want to build it on.
We also provide mitigation techniques, allowing you to save existing settling tanks by surgically treating the soils beneath them.
Whether improving a planned or existing site, we tightly control our construction quality with state-of-the-art data acquisition systems and monitor hydro-test performance to verify tank foundation performance is within API tolerances. We have the tools and solution methods to work safely within the confines of upstream and downstream facilities to provide ground improvement and structural support.