Colorado School of Mines - Golden, Colorado
Jul 29 - Aug 1, 2024

Grouting and Ground Improvement is a 4-day course that covers engineering, equipment, materials, and methods for grouting and ground modification used in civil and geotechnical engineering, underground construction, tunneling, and mining projects of various types. This course is designed to take you to the next level, giving you hands-on experience with a full spectrum of grouting and ground improvement technologies and topics. 

The course consists of classroom presentations by internationally recognized experts, hands-on laboratory demonstrations, testing of grouts and grouting methods, and off-campus field demos. 

Our presentations

Monday, July 29

Overview of Grouting Methods - Paul Schmall 

Tuesday, July 30 

Jet Grouting methods - Dennis Boehm

Compensation Grouting Theory - Dennis Boehm

Theory and Application of Compaction Grouting - Joe Harris 

Compaction Grouting Case Histories/Applications - Nick Aro and Ty Jahn (Condon-Johnson & Associates)

Cellular (Foam) Grout Use and Application - Nick Aro and Rich Palladino (Aerix Industries)

Wednesday, July 31

Ground Freezing Method and Application - Joe Sopko 

Ground Freezing Case History - Joe Sopko

Thursday, August 1

Overview of Soil Mixing and Applications - Dennis Boehm and Lorenzo Faedi (Treviicos) 

Induced Consolidation with Wick Drains - Josh Kolz