Construction dewatering, the temporary lowering of the groundwater, has been practiced by Keller for more than 90 years, and we are recognized as the industry's preeminent dewatering contractor and an innovator in the field.
Artificial ground freezing converts in situ pore water to ice through the circulation of a chilled liquid via a system of small-diameter pipes placed in drilled holes.
Pit underpinning stabilizes structures before adjacent excavation using concrete and mortar.
Slab jacking raises concrete slabs and fills underlying voids using the controlled injection of Portland cement grout.
Jacked in piles or piers are constructed using small-diameter steel pipes advanced to bearing depth by hydraulic jacks secured to the existing structure being underpinned.
Drop shafts and vent shafts provide access or ventilation into a large-diameter, horizontally bored tunnel through bedrock.
Keller installs either tremie seals or soil mixing underneath water basements and structures. We cater to the most cost-effective alternative for our clients.
Keller is equipped to provide cost-effective, fast installation with reduced excavation and dewatering with Tangent Bearing Elements (TBEs), a more practical alternative to CFA piles, ACIP piles, large bored piles, caissons, shafts, and barrettes.
Interlocking pipe piles consist of tightly interlocked pipe piles using an innovative mechanical “ball-and-socket” type connector welded to the full length of the pipe to create a continuous watertight wall that can be temporary or permanent.
Groundwater or construction water encountered at job sites is often contaminated and must be processed before being discharged to local surface waters, storm sewers, or sanitary sewers. Keller offers groundwater treatment services to treat water for discharge while keeping sites dry and…
The cased CFA pile is a continuous pile drilling and installation technique with low noise and no vibration. It is ideal for excavations requiring shoring systems abutting existing buildings within built-up areas with weak soil conditions and high groundwater levels.
Mixed modulus columns (columns with Mixed Moduli, mixed columns, or CMM®) is a ground improvement method using high deformation modulus columns constructed through compressible soils to reduce settlement and increase bearing capacity. CMM® is the combination of a rigid inclusion for its lower…
Mass soil mixing (MSM), mass mixing, or mass stabilization, is a ground improvement technique that improves soft or loose soils, by mechanically mixing them with either wet grout or dry cementitious binder.