A macropile® is an ultra-high-capacity micropile typically drilled in place.

Common uses
Provide structural support
Typically, a steel pipe is advanced by drilling to the design depth. The steel casing is inserted in the ground to design depth. Where the drill hole can stay open without casing, an open hole can be advanced to design depth, and the casing is then installed. Reinforcing steel in the form of an all-thread bar or concentric pipes is inserted into the pipe, and high-strength grout is pumped in by tremie. The casing may be extended to the full design depth to provide additional structural reinforcement.
Resists comprehensive, uplift, and lateral loads
Can be a solution to heavy loads in tight access sites
Offers high load capacity that can be installed through various subsurface conditions
Quality assurance
Keller has vast load test experience in various rock formations and can design in-house based on various subsurface conditions.