The Dewatering Institute has named Keller their Health and Safety Excellence Company of the Year for 2023 for their work at a power station in the southeast US.

Following the issue of the EPA’s coal combustion residual (CCR) disposal regulations, Keller was hired to dewater CCR material at a power station. Keller worked on this project site for the past seven years and completed over 70,000 man-hours. Work has included deep wells, wellpoints, soldier pile and lagging, tiebacks, instrumentation, treatment, and operation and maintenance of the dewatering system.
Vice President Greg Ziegler commends the project team, “The 71,000 man-hours have been performed without any major safety incidents. And in 2022, the owner recognized Keller for over six years of incident-free onsite work.”
Greg continues, “Site Superintendent Eric Henry and Project Manager Andrew Buttitta were key leaders involved with this successful project, and we commend them for their efforts.”
About The Dewatering Institute and the Health and Safety Excellence Company of the Year Award
TDI is a global platform for the Construction Dewatering, Mine Dewatering, and Groundwater Control Industry. TDI supports its members and the wider industry by focusing on the fundamentals of Education, Knowledge Sharing, Best Practices, and Networking.
This award showcases an award-worthy safety contribution, method, action, procedure implemented, compliance to standards, training, technical improvements, or a completed project with excellent safety records in our industry.